Thursday, June 23, 2011

Lets Get Crafty!


Sorry for the hiatus.. and please excuse us for this late posting of last Sunday's event report. It was such a blast and we need to recover from the dream-like pace of time. In many ways, Sambil Menyulam Minum Air event was exceeding expectations and we can't thank enough for all of you! 

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

A Fancy Afternoon



A friend said it was a fancy afternoon. Fancy, because it's one of the rare occasion where some of the talented actors gather and perform a short story and poetry reading. The short stories were written by mbak Naomi Srikandi and the poems were written by mas Gunawan Maryanto

The event (Membaca Sore) was started with a reading by Ozzy and Qomar, both are studio actors of Teater Garasi; followed by poem reading by mbak Ery, a senior actress of Teater Garasi and an honorable reading by the author of the poem himself, mas Gunawan Maryanto

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Sambil Menyulam Minum Air

Sebagai salah satu rangkaian acara Grand Opening Lir Shop, kami mengundang Anda sekalian dalam acara:

Sambil Menyulam Minum Air

Friday, June 10, 2011

Membaca Sore

Sebagai rangkaian acara Grand Opening Lir Shop, kami mengundang Anda dalam acara:

Pembacaan cerpen karya Naomi Srikandi dan puisi karya Gunawan Maryanto.

Lir is Now Open!

"When I have a little money, I buy books; and if I have any left, I buy food and clothes."
—by Desiderius Erasmus Roterodamus


Lire (fr)/ to read

Lair (en)/ hideaway place

Call us: : Lir.
