Friday, July 1, 2011

Arisan Rajut!


Last Saturday, a troop of knitter gather at Lir for their monthly meetup. It was totally fun and fully-loaded, we even have to set up some extra seat and tables. Their spirit and passion of knitting were impressive! Do come again, pretty knitters! :*

Thank you for Poyeng Knit Shop for introducing us to these fabulous ladies!






(The winner of this month, deserve a pile of knitted square.. lucky!)


P.S.: Meet our dear sister Milky Moo shop at Societet for Jogja Broadway event 1-6 July, 2011. Open hour: 15.00-21.00. We'll serve flavored fresh milk, homemade yoghurt, cream toast, and fried mushroom. Yumm! Don't miss it!

1 comment:

Ajeng Sitoresmi said...

waw... like it soooo much :D