Tuesday, May 3, 2016

[TEASER] Turning Five!


May is always the most exciting month of the year for us. It represent the personal new year of Lir: it's the month of our anniversary! Lir is turning 5 on May 9, 2016. For our 5th anniversary, we have several programs lining up, waiting to be formally announced to the world. We are giddy with excitement right now. 

So, what to expect this month at Lir? I can give you some hints.. (while the rest of it remain secrets-- stay tuned for our official poster release on Instagram, facebook, twitter, and in this blog)

A series of exhibition marathon, featuring our curatorial-research team: "The Observant Club", focusing on alternative art education, independent-book making as a form of solo exhibition, and questioning the notion of 'space' in the exhibition space. There will be four exhibitions in one month, featuring the work of senior artists as well as young artists from Jakarta, Jogja, Surabaya, and (maybe) Bali. 

Cheap book sale and even more books to take on a blind date! 

How about a literature class for writing a personal hand-written letter, taught by a well known author? I would personally sign up for that!

Stay tuned for our freebies, treats, and flash discount that will be announced on a daily basis on instagram (http://instagr.am/lirspace/

We'd really love to celebrate our birthday with some folks.. but, our beloved music-event manager is currently undertaking a 'residency' in the island of God.. still, one can always hope right? If you wish to sing some folk this month, let's make a plea to folkafternoon via his instagram, twitter, and facebook account. Who knows he'll take a quick holiday back home to make some music! *winkwink*

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