A growing list of media review and blog post about Lir Shop.. just a click away!
{link} Suatu Minggu di Lir Shop
{link} Lir Shop Review
{link} Lir Shop at The Picnic Girl
#InTheWoods event review
{link} Jakarta Beat Bioskop Online: In The Woods
{link} Gigs Play: A Picnic Concert in The Woods
{link} We Needs More Stages: Sensasi Pesta Kebun bersama Risky Summerbee and The Honeythiefs
{link} Truly Jogja
{link} Yogyakarta Zine Attack 2011 at Lir Shop (by Jogjanews.com)
{link} Featured in Go Girl! Magazine Culinary Issue
{link} Truly Jogja
{link} Yogyakarta Zine Attack 2011 at Lir Shop (by Jogjanews.com)
{link} Featured in Go Girl! Magazine Culinary Issue
{link} Cephas Presentation Summary: emoticon
{link} Pembukaan Lir Space
{link} ToyCam Loves Jogja
{link} Have We Met?