The sun was a great tranquilizer, and time passed in a haze of well-being; long, slow, almost torpid days when it was so enjoyable to be alive that nothing else mattered.
(Peter Mayle- A Year in Provence)
(one of the best captured moment of Dito jumping upon the mat)
Choosing the picture of In the Woods event to publish here is not an easy task. Hundreds of pictures were sent to us and we really have to choose (easier said than done). So, we decided to post the photos and the stories of In the Woods in sequences. Started with part one: preparation.
We only had a week to prepare everything. Even-though it's always perceived as our annual event (see the first, here); we weren't really sure about this one at the beginning. Right after the deal is on, we started with a list. A loooong list of things to do, things to sell, things to buy, and things to make. There were so many things on the list and we end up not knowing what to do at the D-6 to D-4 of the event. On D-3, the team are gathered, some friends helped, and we the list were slowly ticked.
The team of Lir Shop had a sleepover at the mountain area the night before to prepare everything. We woke up wishing for a beautiful day, and it was sun-drenched..breezy..and perfect!
Now, let the picture do the talk about our sun-drenched preparation of this event:
(warning! picture overload..)
It started by climbing the tree.. hang the pompoms!
Take picture of the pompoms..
Lay the blanket..
Pick up the phones..
..deliver the tea tray..
Add more pompoms..
..and some colorful pinwheel!
Prepare the lemonade stall..
Arranging the shop..
..and the flowers!
Writing down the menu..
..and the sign!
Change the dress, wear the flower crown..
..and we're ready!

The Shop is now open!
We'll meet you in the woods!
(to be continued to pt.2: the picnic)
Photographed by Dito Yuwono, Kurniadi Widodo, Mulyana the Mogus, and Stanislaus Yoga.
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