Sunday, September 11, 2011

#NgabubuLIR (late) Report


Yes, a month has passed, the fasting month has soon replaced by the Eid mubarak.. and here we are.. a month late to make a simple report on what happen during our month-long workshop: #NgabubuLIR. So sorry for that.. ;) 

So, the #NgabubuLIR was beyond fun. We were so happy seing how young artist are participating in the Idea Club (and we really hope it will continue); we were also very very pleased to see how strong the bond of community of Klastic Jogja (we really hope we could provide a wider space for you all, guys.. and we hope we can continue doing something together sometime soon); the sweet workshop of Hello Bleu was very engaging (we really should make it regular).. and especially, the weekly Nest of Ojanto workshops was beyond expectation (absolutely a must-be-regular)

Thank you all for the cooperation, and most of all, thank you everybody who came and join the month-long workshop! It was so fun knowing you all..

Too bad we didn't manage to snap all the photos from everyday classes and clubs, but here are some that we can share.. (please forgive us once again.. eheheh..)


Idea Club #1




Collage Postcard




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