Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Huff #04 Launching


It was a bright Sunday when Lir Shop held the launching of Huff #04: Dream. Huff Magazine is an independent magazine that has become the starting point of Lir Space. Huff Magazine is the virtual gallery while Lir Space is the art space building. The party was started with a Sunday brunch and continues with a good laugh for hours. 

You can read more about Huff Magazine and download here: 

Thursday, December 1, 2011

"celebrating dream" : Huff #4 Launching and Preview

After a long process of making Huff #4 and catching some dreams, it's finally done! 

"celebrating dream" is a small celebration of Huff #4 launching in a friendly Sunday brunch events. The event will be held at Lir Shop, Sunday (December 4th, 2011) 10am till off. There will be a preview of the content, the printed edition, review of previous editions, and meet the people behind the magazine. Bring a flashdisk and you can get free soft-copy of the magazine. 

Thursday, November 24, 2011

"In Exile: Inner Sanctum"


It was raining cats and dogs at the opening night of Bagus 'jalang' Wiratomo solo exhibition at Lir Space. Yet, some people ride through the rain and join us at the event. Yes it was raining, but here, we're warm and cozy having intimate chit chats with the artist. The exhibition might be a bit dark but the artist successfully express his emotion through his work. 

Friday, October 28, 2011

emoticon: Exhibition and Presentation


"emoticon" project by Stanislaus Yoga was first presented at Lir Idea Club* on August, 2011. It was a pre-exhibition presentation. It's about time for him to actually present it in public in "emoticon" exhibition on October 18 to 31. The opening night at October 18th, 2011 was a blast (too bad that we forgot to take picture of it)Aside from that, Cephas Photo Forum presents an artist talk on October 20, 2011.  Here, Yoga shared his thought and experience in making this project and exhibition come true.

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Toycam Loves Jogja | World ToyCam Day 2011



In celebrating World ToyCam Day 2011, an exhibition of 68 photographs taken using toy camera is now happening in Lir Shop; taking place not only at Lir Space but also around Mooi resto area.. The opening night was a blast. Mayangpuri Adzani as the chief of Klastic YK community open the exhibition at 7pm sharp, on October 10th. The photos will be displayed until October 16. 

Friday, October 14, 2011

Saturday Afternoon with Hello Bleu


It was one fine afternoon and a group of pretty ladies gather in Lir Shop for a crafting workshop with Hello Bleu, making coin pouch. It was so fun, everyone are happy, giggly, and busy working with their cute little handmade coin pouch. The vibe mingles and we really long for more and more crafty workshop to come. 

"Jogjakarta Zine Attack!" at Lir Shop


(Late) report of Jogja Zine Attack 2011 at Lir Shop. Last few weeks, Lir Shop and Indra Menus held a zine party for a week. It was started with a workshop on Sunday, September 25, 2011. Those who join the workshop create a zine anthology called Antologi Zine Lir". It was such a cool workshop indeed. 

Monday, October 10, 2011

Thursday, October 6, 2011

World ToyCam Day 2011: "Toycam Loves Jogja"


Calling all toycam lovers!

Lir Shop and  Klastic Jogja Proudly Present :

Mini Exibition For Celebrating 
World Toy Camera Day 2011


Sunday, September 18, 2011

Jogjakarta Zine Attack!


Calling all zine lovers out there.. lets gather and show your own zine! 

We believe that every zine has its own voice, a certain message the maker wants to deliver, and each one is unique in its independent way. For you who wants to know more about zine, want to learn, discuss,  and make your own zine; come to our workshop and exhibition.

Saturday, September 17, 2011

A Fine Afternoon, Indeed..


Di saat semua sedang bersiap kembali ke berbagai aktifitas selepas liburan panjang; Lir Shop bersama sebuah duo folk Stars And Rabbit mencoba memberi kesenangan di awal minggu tersebut.

Tepatnya Senin, 5 September 2011, Lir Shop mengundang Stars and Rabbit untuk memperkenalkan musik mereka yang terbilang unik dalam acara berjudul “A Fine Afternoon with Stars and Rabbit”. Duo Elda dan Adi awalnya tampak sedikit gugup mengingat ini pengalaman pertama mereka tampil sebagai Stars and Rabbit. Namun hal ini tampaknya tidak mengganggu penampilan mereka sore itu.

Acara dikemas dengan sangat santai dan pas dengan format musik Stars and Rabbit yang dimainkan secara akustik. Semua teman berkumpul, duduk bersantai di karpet yang terhampar di depan sebuah sofa dimana kedua personel ini memainkan musik mereka. Tidak ada yang lebih menyenangkan dibandingkan menghabiskan sore yang cerah bersama teman-teman sambil ditemani musik yang unik.

Sampai jumpa dalam berbagai kegiatan menyenangkan lainnya di Lir Shop.



Foto dan tulisan oleh Dito Yuwono

Grab more photos, here.

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Lir Renewal Project #1


Say Hello!

Say hello to new looks of  Lir Shop. It is now filled with more trinkets and curiosities.. and a friend is currently painting on the wall for more surreal feeling. Just wait and see. (I'm so excited!!).. 

Cooking Class with Mr.Space Bear


Still in #NgabubuLIR.. last month we held a special edition for #NgabubuLIR: cooking class with Mr.Space Bear. It was such an intense and delicious afternoon. 

#NgabubuLIR (late) Report


Yes, a month has passed, the fasting month has soon replaced by the Eid mubarak.. and here we are.. a month late to make a simple report on what happen during our month-long workshop: #NgabubuLIR. So sorry for that.. ;) 

Saturday, July 30, 2011


Yuk ngabuburit di Lir!

Mari menghabiskan waktu menanti buka puasa dengan berkarya dan berkreasi. Selama bulan puasa, Lir Shop mengadakan serangkaian acara workshop dan klub hobi (hampir) setiap hari. Program NgabubuLIR dimulai pada hari Selasa, 2 Agustus 2011 hingga Rabu, 24 Agustus 2011; pukul 3 sore hingga selesai. 

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Have We Met?

(Photo by Putri, taken from here)


Wednesday. July 20, 2011 notes the opening night of Lir Space* and the solo mini exhibition of Dito Yuwono's project "Have We Met?". This project has been presented in Mess 56 sometime ago and will be displayed in a group exhibition next few months. 

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

#In The Woods


Mungkin bulan ini adalah bulan penuh dengan perwujudan mimpi. Meski bukan mimpi yang besar namun tetap saja; mimpi tetaplah mimpi, yang tentunya akan menyenangkan jika berhasil terwujud.

Dan mimpi yang terwujud kali ini adalah menghadirkan sebuah pentas musik yang menyenangkan di tengah hamparan rumput dan pepohonan yang rindang.  Ini semua tentu berkat band kesayangan kami, Risky Summerbee And The Honeythiefs.

Minggu, 17 Juli 2011, kami mulai mempersiapkan berbagai perlengkapan piknik sejak pagi. Buah-buah segar seperti lychee, strawberry, blackberry telah berjarar dan terbungkus rapi di salah satu sisi meja kami. Ginger beer dan mint lemonade pun telah terisi dalam botol-botol kaca dan siap dinikmati.  Tak lupa beberapa hiasan yang kami ambil dari workshop kami sebelumnya,” The Eyes Have It” pun kami gantungkan di pohon-pohon sebagai penghias yang memberi warna pada suasana piknik hari itu. Kini, kami pun tinggal menunggu datangnya para pengunjung yang siap mengisi karpet-karpet piknik bermotif kotak-kotak merah yang telah kami persiapkan.

Para pengunjung, teman, dan keluarga mulai berdatangan. Suasana piknik bertambah menyenangkan ketika melihat anak-anak kecil berkejaran, layang-layang merah beterbangan, anjing berlarian,  dan tak ketinggalan para orang tua yang duduk sambil menikmati kudapan.

Risky Summerbee and The Honeythiefs pun mulai mengalunkan lagu secara akustik di tengah suasana piknik tersebut. . Benar-benar piknik yang menyenangkan dan penonton pun terus bertambah ramai namun tetap intim. Suasana yang pas untuk menikmati sebuah konser sekaligus piknik.

Selepas bermain di tengah area piknik, Risky Summerbee and The Honeythief berpindah lokasi menuju sebuah cerukan kecil yang menyerupai mini amphitheater. Kali ini mereka bermain dengan full set, dan membawakan lagu-lagu dari album pertama mereka, “The Place I Wanna Go”   serta beberapa lagu terbaru yang akan segera dilaunching pada album kedua mereka. Tak lupa mereka mengundang dua teman, Erson Padapiran (Saxophonist) dan Asa Rahmana (Belkastrelka) yang ikut bermain di depan para penonton.

Sore menjelang dan penampilan dari band pun berakhir. Beberapa teman masih memutuskan untuk berpiknik sejenak sembari sedikit bersitirahat sebelum melakukan perjalanan balik ke kota yang terbilang cukup jauh. Sedangkan Risky Summerbee sedang membereskan perlengkapan mereka seusai aksi. Rasanya enggan meninggalkan suasana piknik di hari tersebut namun nampaknya hari libur sudah mulai beranjak pergi dan semua orang kembali ke aktifitas rutin dan pekerjaan.


Now, let the pictures do the talk!

(Pie tier photo by Tria Nin)


(The Menu)



(Summer and Spring booth)


(Lemonade and Gingerbeer stand)


(Customers buying macaroni and sandwich)


(Picnic with the big family)


(Picnic with the family)


(Picnic with new friends)


(Picnic with a girlfriend and laying on the grass)






(Picnic with the gank)


(Picnic with friends)




(The acoustic version)


(In the woods)


(Man with his flying kite and a lady dancing with her camera)


(Children giving up on their kite)


(Dog's dayout)


(The men in blacks)


(Natural amphitheater)


(Singing in the woods)


(A mass picnic)


(Man with ukulele)


(Lir's team with Space Bear and Sputnik Rabbit) 


It was so fun. Maybe we should throw another picnic, then? ;)

Written and photographed by Dito Yuwono