Friday, October 28, 2011

emoticon: Exhibition and Presentation


"emoticon" project by Stanislaus Yoga was first presented at Lir Idea Club* on August, 2011. It was a pre-exhibition presentation. It's about time for him to actually present it in public in "emoticon" exhibition on October 18 to 31. The opening night at October 18th, 2011 was a blast (too bad that we forgot to take picture of it)Aside from that, Cephas Photo Forum presents an artist talk on October 20, 2011.  Here, Yoga shared his thought and experience in making this project and exhibition come true.

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Toycam Loves Jogja | World ToyCam Day 2011



In celebrating World ToyCam Day 2011, an exhibition of 68 photographs taken using toy camera is now happening in Lir Shop; taking place not only at Lir Space but also around Mooi resto area.. The opening night was a blast. Mayangpuri Adzani as the chief of Klastic YK community open the exhibition at 7pm sharp, on October 10th. The photos will be displayed until October 16. 

Friday, October 14, 2011

Saturday Afternoon with Hello Bleu


It was one fine afternoon and a group of pretty ladies gather in Lir Shop for a crafting workshop with Hello Bleu, making coin pouch. It was so fun, everyone are happy, giggly, and busy working with their cute little handmade coin pouch. The vibe mingles and we really long for more and more crafty workshop to come. 

"Jogjakarta Zine Attack!" at Lir Shop


(Late) report of Jogja Zine Attack 2011 at Lir Shop. Last few weeks, Lir Shop and Indra Menus held a zine party for a week. It was started with a workshop on Sunday, September 25, 2011. Those who join the workshop create a zine anthology called Antologi Zine Lir". It was such a cool workshop indeed. 

Monday, October 10, 2011

Thursday, October 6, 2011

World ToyCam Day 2011: "Toycam Loves Jogja"


Calling all toycam lovers!

Lir Shop and  Klastic Jogja Proudly Present :

Mini Exibition For Celebrating 
World Toy Camera Day 2011
